chronic dry eye therapy
Chronic Dry Eye Disease (DED) Affects More than 30 Million Americans, and the number is Growing 9% per Year.
the problem
Over 30 million adults suffer from chronic dry eye disease (DED). From soreness and redness to difficulty wearing contact lenses, DED can be permanently damaging if left untreated.
temporary solutions
Pain from dry eye disease impacts every area of your life. Medication might provide temporary relief, but it’s only a matter of time before the pain and irritation return.
discover a better way
One-time treatments and over-the-counter medications address the symptoms of DED, but don’t tackle the underlying issue. You need a lasting, permanent solution.
introducing elm™
With ELM™, discover high quality, high-value treatment for chronic dry eye disease. ELM™ uses heat and vibration in a novel manner, to normalize the lipid oils in the tear film that are at the root cause of chronic dry eye.
Ensure compliance, high patient satisfaction, and excellent clinical outcomes in dry eye patients using ELM™ at home.